Saturday, April 12, 2014

MCC Central Axis coalition Offer Join Gerindra

Prosperous Justice Party ( PKS ) began mewacanakan coalition of Islamic parties . A coalition of Islamic parties is considered to be a strong enough bargaining position to put to the nationalist parties , such as Gerindra .

"If all Islamic parties united voice had reached 31 percent . 's The choice we could ask or could be a candidate for the nationalist party 's bargaining position , for example Gerindra , " said MCC Refrizal member Shura Council in Jakarta , Saturday ( 04/12/2014 ) .

Refrizal said his party chose nationalist party committed , unlike the existing coalition . He also said that the MCC is also considering a coalition with a party that is not driven by foreign interests . Therefore , Gerindra assessed as a party that meets the two requirements .

The same thing also expressed by the Minister of Communications and Information Technology are also members of the Shura Council PKS , Tifatul Sembiring , after meeting at the State Palace on Friday ( 11/04/2014 ) . Joining the MCC , the National Mandate Party ( PAN ) , the National Awakening Party ( PKB ) , the United Development Party ( PPP ) , and the Crescent Star Party (PBB ) , assessed Tifatul is a new force .
( see also: obat burung gacor )

"If we could have a coalition with a strong nationalist . Otherwise, we will not get anything , " he said .

Fifth the mass of the party , recognized Tifatul , is also quite liquid . Thus, it is not possible Islamist parties back together . He cited the establishment of a central axis coalition in 1999 that can give birth to a President that Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur . Currently , MCC recognizes Tifatul also open to communicate with the other parties to initiate this coalition .


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