Sunday, May 25, 2014

Pristono Legal Team Will Go up Ahok

Member legal team of former Head of Department of Transportation Udar Pristono will visit the City Hall to meet with the Vice Governor of Jakarta Tjahaja Basuki Purnama .

One member of the legal team Pristono , Razman Arif said , they would demand an apology Basuki above statements pertaining to them and their clients . The legal team comes from Eggy Sudjana and Partners Advocates and Counsellor at Law .

" Now we 've been on the road to City Hall , meet Ahok to ask for clarification directly to Ahok , " said Razman , when contacted by reporters in Jakarta , Monday ( 26/05/2014 ) .
( Read: produksi sangkar )

He said , there are some statements that make Ahok Pristono legal team offense . Namely , the statement " crazy " to one of the team 's attorney , Hasan Basri . As well , challenging Basuki Pristono to invite noisier .

According Razman , Basuki statements have been harassing or demeaning the dignity of the profession advocates . To that end , they plan to demand an apology from Basuki within 3x24 hours .

" If not consciously , apologized to the media , we will process legal . Ahok We report to Police Headquarters , " said Razman .

Pristono legal team plans to report Basuki article unpleasant acts . In fact , on ( 16/01/2014 ), the Constitutional Court ( MK ) granted the petition for legislation ( PUU ) No. 1/1946 on the draft Criminal Code ( Criminal Code ) and Act No. 8/1981 on the draft Criminal Procedure Code (Criminal Code ) .

The Court stated the phrase " something else or act unpleasant treatment " in Article 335 paragraph ( 1 ) item 1 of the Criminal Code is contrary to the 1945 Constitution . Phrase " something else or act unpleasant treatment " has created legal uncertainty and injustice .

Currently , his clients , Pristono re-examined by the Attorney General's Office ( AGO ) . He hoped that the Attorney General does not hold Pristono . Because, according to him , the evidence of corruption Pristono unmet .


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