Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Microsoft ' upset ' Name Change Nokia

Microsoft reportedly still undecided will change the name of Nokia phones to be. The Redmond -based company was named the new company into a Microsoft Mobile Oy , but it is not a brand name mobile phones .

Microsoft Mobile Oy is the name of the Microsoft division results from the purchase of Nokia . But to build a brand on a mobile phone , the company made ​​by Bill Gates was still confusion in giving names .
( Read: cara membuat alamat email )

Based on previous reports said that Microsoft was going to wear the brand in various series phones Nokia Lumia , Asha , or feature phone . However, the use of the name Nokia is not permanent , temporary alias .

The reason , as reported by PhoneArena , Tuesday ( 29/04/2014 ) , Nokia already has a big name in the mobile device world for decades already . Therefore, Microsoft is thinking of a suitable name that does not have a variety of devices pabrikkannya sinking name of Nokia .

Reportedly , the brand name of Microsoft Surface could be an option to name the entire device . Because as is known , the Surface name already well known by most people and it is considered to have the name though not as big as Nokia .


Six Big East Kalimantan in the National Competition BBGRM

East Kalimantan enter top six races Month Consecrated Mutual Aid Society ( BBGRM ) and Unity Day Motion ( HKG ) PKK national level .

" Once inside the top six , then at around the third week of May 2014 will be announced the winner , Insyallah least 3 Kaltim to be a national champion , " said Head of Community and Village Government ( BPMPD ) Moh Jauhar Efendi in East Kalimantan Samarinda on Tuesday .

Jauhar is accompanied by Head of Resilience and Socio-Cultural Society representing Musa Ibrahim said Kaltim in the race it is manggar Village , District East Balikpapan , Balikpapan City .

He said , the Village of East Kalimantan in the race to represent manggar BBGRM HKG PKK and national level as the village became the first champion at the East Kalimantan province of a few weeks ago .

At that time also held similar races for village category , the first prize in the category of East Kalimantan Provincial village is the first village Rhino Natural Gas , Kutai regency , but the village is only nine survive on a national large due to selection for a fall towards the top six .

According to him , the things that are valued in the race , in addition to the orderly administration also apparent success rate , ie, through verification by the team and the judges who plunge into the field to determine the level of success .

While at the village headman's office or the office , things are assessed , among others, the level of completeness of devices , information programs , the success of information , and other information that is carried in the construction of urban and rural related .
( Read: burung masteran buat pleci )

When the announcement of the winner and HKG BBGRM PKK in Jakarta in May , various competitions and events are also held , such as the exhibition of various products that have been developed by the PKK , and seminars .

The competition will be held , according to him , of which race the orderly administration of the PKK , the prevention of domestic violence ( Domestic Violence ) , Income Generation Family Business ( UP2K ) PKK , Utilization Asri page and toga contest Utilization .

The purpose digabungnya BBGRM with HKG PKK activity is to be interpreted as an effort to improve the togetherness , caring , and a spirit of mutual help to overcome the problems that developed in the community to build the family 's welfare .


Saturday, April 26, 2014

PDI-P outperform PKB East Java

National Awakening Party ( PKB ) scooped the most votes in the 2014 Legislative Elections in East Java .

PKB outperformed the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle ( PDI - P ) by a margin of over 148,000 votes.
( Read: burung lovebird kepala emas )

Data collected by Kompas.com , results pileg recapitulation in the General Election Commission Java , Saturday ( 26/04/2014 ) early this morning , said the CBA has a total of 3,671,911 votes in Java ( 19.6 percent ) .

In the second position , the PDI - P with the acquisition of 3,523,434 votes ( 18.8 percent ) .
Gerindra won third place ( 13.1 percent ) , Democrats ( 12.5 percent ) and the Golkar Party ( 10.2 percent ) .

The impact on the vote won seats each political party in Parliament Java . Predicted PKB won 20 seats , while the PDI - P 19 seats . Followed Gerindra 13 seats , the Democratic Party and the Golkar Party 13 seats 11 seats , six seats and MCC .

Witness the PDI - P Java , Educate Prasetyono CLA recognizes excellence in East Java . But it still has not fully accepted the recapitulation , because there is still a suspicion that massive voice bubbling action occurs in a number of areas .

" It harms the PDI - P , as a result reducing seats Numbers Dividers Selector ( BPP ) is too high , " he said .

While the Secretary of DPW PKB East Java , Thoriqul Haq , claims still awaiting the results of an official announcement from the Commission .

" If it is true , it would like to thank the entire community of East Java , because they entrust PKB as a party place to channel the political aspirations of the most credible , " he explained .


Friday, April 25, 2014

Bloggers in Russia Obligatory List to Government

Unlike other countries which do not record the bloggers , Russia actually issued regulations that require bloggers to register the data itself to the government .

The reason is most likely the issuance of the regulations related to the business of the State government Red Bear to regulate the flow of information in the country .

Some time ago , the Russian government has built Internet infrastructure that allows for blocking access to websites that are considered disturbing .
( Read: cara membuat blog menarik )

Under this new regulation , all bloggers were in Russia must register the data itself into a government database . Starting from the first name , last name or last name , initials , and a verified email .

Further, the bloggers whose blogs accessed more than 3,000 visitors per day , must register with a special database provided by the Russian government . The same database where the Russian media register their organization .

Although there is no information that describes the content of the regulation , has prepared a number of sanctions to the offender . Among these are subject to fines of up to freezing accounts stubborn blog .

As quoted from Engadget on Friday ( 25/04/2014 ) , one objective of this regulation is to avoid posts that can trigger a controversial opinion among its citizens . Especially with regard to government authorities .


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

From the article to the Vice President

SATURDAY dated February 16, 2013 and at a hotel in Jakarta , senior economist JB Sumarlin birthday 80th with the launch of her biography titled JB Sumarlin , chili Born in Rice and JB Sumarlin among the Companions .

This event became the talk of the journalist and one of the workers to the office of Vice President Boediono , Kurie Suditomo , in The Hague , the Netherlands , dated March 17, 2014 . Kurie very enthusiastic about discussing the show Sumarlin because the vice president was giving a speech .

In his speech , the vice president who nicknamed Pak Boed say happy allowed giving a speech because he is a former men Sumarlin . "If the flashback , back to back , maybe longer , but I took one event alone , "
said Mr. Boed .

" In 1983 , I wrote in Kompas on devaluation . At that time I was a university lecturer in the interior there , in Yogyakarta . Without I realize it is a very short article was read a minister , "said the Vice President .

The minister was , said Mr. Boed , is also head of the National Development Planning Agency ( Bappenas ) Professor JB Sumarlin .

" That's where the turning point of my career . At first I really wanted to be a lecturer at Gadjah Mada University . However , the occurrence of the Minister JB Sumarlin read my article , everything changed , " said Mr. Boed while smiling .

Boediono , the UGM lecturers , then recruited Sumarlin through Adrianus Mooy . " Mr. Mooy , also a former boss of mine , has a connection with UGM . So it seems smooth once I pulled into Bappenas and that was the beginning of my involvement in government to date , " said Mr. Boed .

Bappenas office located near the vice president's official residence in Jalan Diponegoro in Menteng , Jakarta , for Mr. Boed is penggemblengan him . There Pak Boed have to work hard . Cultures obtained Pak Boed hard work from that place . Pak Boed enter Bappenas originated from two echelons below the direct Adrianus Mooy . " It really gives an amazing experience , " said Mr. Boed .

While working at Bappenas , Mr. Boed almost every day to go home until 12 o'clock midnight so often protested his wife . For that Mr. Boed must expend energy explaining and understanding to Mrs. Herath Boediono .

Note Sumarlin

In the event Sumarlin notes statehood and national development over the past 14 years, since the start of the Reformation in 1998. " Today was even more distant from the value and direction of Pancasila . Pancasila as no longer animates the life of the nation in various fields , whether political, economic , social and cultural , "said Sumarlin when it .

For Sumarlin , after 1998 , Pancasila is no longer a reference in many lives . According to him , the result of the Guidelines ( the Guidelines of State Policy ) does not exist .
( Read: pleci mania )

But , why is there no guidelines, and dark events in May 1998 . Guidelines should not be implemented in the style of dictators , corruption , collusion , and nepotism . It was dangerous to Pancasila .


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Performers Tourism Forum DIY Form "Jogja make miss"

A number of actors and practitioners of tourism in Yogyakarta Special Region and create a forum " Jogja Ngangeni " as a forum for exchange of information and development of the tourism sector .

' Forum ' Jogja Ngangeni ' is an informal community consisting of practitioners DIY holidays , " said Chairman of the Tourist Guide Association ( HPI ) DIY Imam Widodo , Friday ( 18/04/2014 ) .

According to him , the tourism practitioners among tour guides , tour operators , public relations ( PR ) travel agents , hotel and restaurant PR , PR agencies both private and government tourism , event organizers who have a strong commitment to promote tourism in the province .

" The formation of this forum was initiated by the community in the DIY guides that considers the importance of a strong braided and dynamic relationship between tourism actors in the province , " he said .

According to the Imam , the forum began with a group of " online " in a social media network group " Jogja Ngangeni " which operated since the last three months .

" Further inland meeting held Tuesday, April 15, 2014 in NDE Luweh Resto , Jl . Ngeksigondo 54 Kotagede Yogyakarta , " he said .

Meanwhile, according to the promoter Irsyam Luweh NDE Forum " Jogja Ngangeni " , the forum which currently has a membership of about 25 people tried to build a harmonious dynamic between the members of a forum so they can hone mutual compassion and foster and develop abilities , skills and passion in building tourism.
( Read: video anis merah teler )

" The important thing for members of the community is the real action in building and exciting tourism in Yogyakarta is not NATO , aka no action talk only, " he said .


SBY : Sinking Ship Friday Procession in NTT Due to Weather

A fishing boat sank in waters off the Strait Narrow Edge Aro , Larantuka , East Flores Regency , NTT sea during a procession Friday 18 April 2014 yesterday . A total of 7 people were killed in this incident . While four people still in the search .

It also raised concerns President . He urged the investigation of this case to find out the parties were negligent , causing the boat to sink .
( Read: opera mini download )

" I 'm sick being treated as well as possible . While doing an investigation so that the negligent get penalized . Do not happen again . * SBY * , " Yudhoyono wrote in his Twitter account , @ SBYudhoyono which Liputan6.com quoted on Saturday ( 19/4 / 2014 ) .

However, SBY sure , if this event occurs purely due to weather factors . " Calamity that befell Catholics who are doing the Good Friday procession sea seems due to weather factors and human error . * SBY * . "

The sea procession carried out in preparation for the Easter celebration is a community tradition Larantuka , Flores , NTT . Ship sinks due to overloading and unloading of passengers and swift ocean current conditions .

When the boat capsized at about 11:10 CEST , the passengers shouted and plunged into the sea current is quite heavy conditions . While the other boats follow the procession immediately provide relief . 7 people are confirmed dead in the incident .


Friday, April 18, 2014

Dozens of participants Transports Friday Drowning

Dozens of participants Transports Friday Drowning
KUPANG - Boat transporting dozens of participants sea procession Friday drowned in the Strait Gonzalu , District of Flores , East Nusa Tenggara ( NTT ) this afternoon .

An eyewitness , Nova Pari call , a sunken ship laden vessel owned Fishermen Bhakti pilgrims who were picked Statue Maninur Mr. Rewindo Beach .

He suspected , the ship sank during hard turning around challenging current Gonzalu Strait , when the statue of Sir Meninu started out of Kapela in Rewindo approximately 12.00 CET . Ships scheduled to move towards Larantuka .
( Read: egg food ciblek )

" Maybe because seeing other ships already moving toward Larantuka , the vessel was immediately turning around and spill affects all passengers on it , " Nova said when contacted from Kupang , Friday ( 04/18/2014 ) .

He said , the scene is about 50 meters from the beach behind his house in Sarotari . The location was not far from the chapel where the Statue of Sir Meninu store . He also did not know the number of casualties as a result of the incident .

As per the tradition of Good Friday in Larantuka , capital of East Flores Regency , Mr. Meninu statue procession by sea involving dozens of boats and motor boats carrying Catholic pilgrims from various parts of Indonesia .


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Five Students Surabaya Victim pedophiles

Kasubdit II Banking Ditreskrimsus East Java Police , Chief Revelation Sri Bintoro , say , a victim of suspected pedophiles Tjandra Adi Gunawan ( 37 ) very much . Five of them came from the students Surabaya .

" But until now still one that is reported to us , " he said , Thursday ( 17/04/2014 ) .

Revelation hope , families of victims of immoral crimes against minors who do Tjandra Adi Gunawan ( 37 ) , immediately report to the police . The police report is needed to complete the investigation file .

Report of the pedophile victim's family , said Wahyu , is needed to help the police investigation .

"Later will be reported to the Police Headquarters , because the case is now being handled there , including the suspect , " said Wahyu .

Actors who are also employees of PT KSM based in Surabaya was arrested by combined police and East Java Police Headquarters on 24 March. Action actors in disseminating pornographic images of minors on social media such as Facebook and Kaskus , can be identified by police by tracking the IP address where the photos were uploaded .
( Read: cucak ijo banyuwangi )

In addition to catching the perpetrator in his office , police also secured tens of thousands of child porn images on his electronic devices , from the iPad , mobile phones , flash and storage .


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Meet Prabowo Said Aqil

Presidential candidate of the Gerindra , Prabowo , visiting Chairman of the Board of Nahdlatul Ulama Said Aqil Siradj at the residence of leaders in the region 's residents Nahdliyin Ciganjur , South Jakarta , Tuesday ( 04/15/2014 ) night .

" Yes . Indeed, there was a meeting that even though I did not go , " said Vice Chairman Gerindra Fadli Zon as quoted by Reuters on Wednesday ( 16/04/2014 ) .

The meeting , said Fadli , a form of friendship with the leaders of the Nahdliyin . He was reluctant to call the meeting was an attempt to seek the support of the current NU 2014 Presidential Election .

" The visit is intended to friendship , " he said .

When asked about the chances of a coalition with a number of parties , Fadli said his party is still in the exploratory stage .

" We are still exploring opportunities coalition . Lot of party chairman that we encounter . Parties continue to finalize the next steps regarding the coalition , " he said .

Earlier, Chairman Gerindra Suhardi said it continues to make friends with the party that is most likely with the coalition as the PAN and the Democratic Party.
(see also: suara burung kenari )

Even so , it is not sure where the coalition with the party . The reason , Gerindra still waiting for the official results of the vote count of the General Elections Commission ( KPU ) .


Estimated Rupiah Still Being Rp11.440-Rp11.428

JAKARTA - The rate of the rupiah against the U.S. dollar (U.S.) is expected to move at the level of Rp11.440-Rp11.428 per USD according to the exchange rate of Bank Indonesia (BI).

"Dollar rate below the resistance level Rp11.430 per USD," said Head of Research Securities Trust Reza Priyambada in his research, Jakarta, Wednesday (16/04/2014).

Reza added, the rate of increase is still continuing Rupiah. In fact, the rise and fall in the exchange rate of the euro after ECB President, Mario Draghi, expressed the appreciation of the Euro to the front will trigger more monetary stimulus.

Reza reveals, but the impact is still the flow of foreign funds into the market to make the rate of Euro was able to continue its gains. "The release of U.S. retail sales rose above estimates, helped make the rate of the U.S. dollar strengthened," he explained.
( Read: youtube downloader )

In trading yesterday, the Euro exchange rate in the spot market amid BI is quoted in Rp11.434 per USD. Rupiah move in the range Rp11.377-Rp11.491 per USD.

JAKARTA - The rupiah against the U.S. dollar ( U.S. ) to move stagnant . Rupiah trade moves along with minor fluctuations .

Bloomberg Dollar Index launched on Tuesday ( 04/15/2014 ) , the rupiah to trade non - delivery forward ( NDF ) closed up 10 points, or 0.1 percent, to Rp11.427 per USD . The rupiah movement today is in the range of Rp11.420 - Rp11.442 per USD .

While the exchange rate of Bank Indonesia ( BI ) in the spot market in Jisdor , noted exist in Rp11.434 Rupiah per USD . Rupiah today move in the range of Rp11.377 - Rp11.491 per USD .

Head of Research and Analysis BNI , Nurul Eti Nurbaeti , said the rupiah continued to increase as a sell-off by foreign investors in the domestic stock market . But the stock market is able to strengthen and closed in the green zone .

He went on , the market is still not escape the shock , when the results of the legislative elections are not as expected . " Domestic financial markets are still awaiting the results of the legislative election results party coalition last week , " he said in his research .


Monday, April 14, 2014

Obama Condemns Shooting at Jewish Community

NEW YORK - President of the United States ( U.S. ), Barack Obama condemned the shooting tragedy at the Jewish Community Center , in Kansas . Previous shootings that left three people dead .

" There should be no need to worry about their safety when gathered with their fellow artists . There is no need to fear for their safety when going to serve , " Obama said at the White House , as quoted by the Associated Press , Tuesday ( 15/04/2014 ) .

According to the U.S. Government will provide whatever assistance is needed to help communities affected by the shooting . Besides the U.S. government will also increase security in homes as religious worship .
see alsovitamin burung merpati )

" As Americans we must unite against terrible violence . We must come together to combat cross- religious ignorance and intolerance , including anti- semitism that can menyebabkn hatred and violence , " he said .

According to reports , the shooter is known Bernam Frazier Glenn Cross is a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan ( KKK ) . The group has a history of anti - Semitism and anti - black people .

According to local authorities the shooting that killed approximately three Jews who were getting ready to celebrate their religious days .


Saturday, April 12, 2014

MCC Central Axis coalition Offer Join Gerindra

Prosperous Justice Party ( PKS ) began mewacanakan coalition of Islamic parties . A coalition of Islamic parties is considered to be a strong enough bargaining position to put to the nationalist parties , such as Gerindra .

"If all Islamic parties united voice had reached 31 percent . 's The choice we could ask or could be a candidate for the nationalist party 's bargaining position , for example Gerindra , " said MCC Refrizal member Shura Council in Jakarta , Saturday ( 04/12/2014 ) .

Refrizal said his party chose nationalist party committed , unlike the existing coalition . He also said that the MCC is also considering a coalition with a party that is not driven by foreign interests . Therefore , Gerindra assessed as a party that meets the two requirements .

The same thing also expressed by the Minister of Communications and Information Technology are also members of the Shura Council PKS , Tifatul Sembiring , after meeting at the State Palace on Friday ( 11/04/2014 ) . Joining the MCC , the National Mandate Party ( PAN ) , the National Awakening Party ( PKB ) , the United Development Party ( PPP ) , and the Crescent Star Party (PBB ) , assessed Tifatul is a new force .
( see also: obat burung gacor )

"If we could have a coalition with a strong nationalist . Otherwise, we will not get anything , " he said .

Fifth the mass of the party , recognized Tifatul , is also quite liquid . Thus, it is not possible Islamist parties back together . He cited the establishment of a central axis coalition in 1999 that can give birth to a President that Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur . Currently , MCC recognizes Tifatul also open to communicate with the other parties to initiate this coalition .


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Without This Year Anniversary Ceremony Tegal Tegal Speak

Anniversary ceremony Tegal 434 which will be held in the town square on Saturday, April 12, 2014 will use the Indonesian language, not the language of Tegal as a tradition each year .

If the ceremony with language Tegal , Tegal Mayor Siti problem Masitha Soeparno newly inaugurated on March 23 did not speak the language fluently Tegal . According to Acting ( Acting ) Regional Secretary Kemala Sintha Tegal Diah , Indonesian ceremonial use for the ceremony official agenda . " So it must be in Indonesian , " he said , Thursday, April 10, 2014 .

When Tempo , Siti claimed to continue to learn to use the language of Tegal in between his spare time . " On each occasion I learned . Due trampled earth in which there upheld the sky , " said South Jakarta Mayor origin shows that while identity card ( KTP ) new addressable Tegal .
(see also: Waptrick video clip download)

Language is one of Tegal dialect of Javanese language in Tegal and a number of other areas in coastal North Coast ( coast) . This dialect is also commonly referred to as the language ngapak - ngapak . The use of language Tegal Tegal each day so the ceremony is a cultural preservation efforts , especially Tegal language.

Last year , for example , the anniversary ceremony to Tegal Tegal 433 languages ​​. Tegal language when it is spoken not only gives each commander ceremony on cue . Language is also used Tegal Tegal Mayor Ikmal Jaya when reading the speech . No doubt , an annual ceremony that has always attracted the attention of the media crew as impressed by the unique and funny . ( read : Kala Language Tegal So Ceremony Official Languages ​​)

Although it will use Indonesian , Diah said the Government Tegal Tegal still trying to preserve the language in the ceremony so Tegal to 434 . "Later in the mayor's speech to insert a few words of Tegal , " he said . Diah , there are many other ways to preserve the language Tegal than through the ceremony so .

Head of Public Relations Tegal , Rev. Mark Priyono , say , a series of activities to commemorate the anniversary of Tegal started since Friday, April 11 , through Wednesday, April 30 . " In addition to the ceremony , the anniversary of Tegal also commemorated with a variety of other activities , " said Mark . The activities included tree planting , peagelaran art , snacks festivals , and carnivals .


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Israel Build Ultra Cheap Apartments Rp 500 Billion Per Unit

Residential property boom is also occurring in the two major cities of Israel , Tel Aviv , and Jerusalem . Even in the last two years , a tall residential building dominates the city skyline two .

Property boom occurred after the period of the second intifada . Political stability and security and then encourage businesses to expand their business . The expansion of this business that have an impact on the property market rapidly . It is characterized skyrocketing home prices at the time the property values ​​in the United States actually dropped .

Tel Aviv currently has a number of vertical properties , including the prestigious project and ultramewah , The Meier on Rothschild . This is an apartment tower designed Pritzker Architecture Prize winner , Richard Meier , and developed by Berggruen Residential Ltd. .

The Meier on Rothschild occupies the heart of Tel Aviv , or rather in Rothschild Boulevard . Business and financial corridor is as popular as Fifth Avenue in New York , USA . The building will consist of 42 floors . Each unit comes with a private storage room and wine cellar . Another complementary features semi olympic swimming pool .

Eighty percent of the total super luxury residence has been sold . The remaining 20 percent includes penthouse with a private pool , priced at 51.5 million U.S. dollars, or more than Rp 500 billion ( U.S. $ 584.8 billion to be exact ) .

The Meier on Rothschild is one of the few developed ultramewah apartment in Tel Aviv , and Jerusalem in the last decade . According to property analysts Excellence Brokerage Services , Shay Lipman , prestigious projects are present to answer the growing need .

" Necessity is mainly derived from foreigners , including Russia , the United States , and Europe , especially Belgium , and France . However , partly because of rising anti - Semitism in Europe , " he said .
Lipman added that expatriates spend a few weeks and months in Israel to work with high welfare standards .
(see also: lomba burung kicauan)

In addition to super luxury apartments , Israel is also filled with a medium-scale development . In the heart of Jerusalem , Rav Kook Street which is 7 , there is the development of African - Israel Residences . The apartments are marketed at a price of U.S. $ 2 million ( USD 22.6 billion ) for the smallest size , and 3.4 million U.S. dollars (USD 36.2 billion ) for the penthouse .

Who is a buyer's market these apartments ? They are young people who produced 1950-1960s generation . They bought this apartment for residence and also as an investment tool which is then leased back .
